Monday, December 15, 2008


Here is all of the Stu poses I've done this semester. This is just a rough, thrown together to get an idea of what I've been doing. I have to modify a couple of the poses a little bit, but anyway, take a look!




So unfortunately I did not get everything together last night, I went and saw "The Day The Earth Stood Still" with Bobby instead. haha. BUT, its all together now! So, hopefully this will upload, and here it is! My entire Semester's worth of Class 1: Basic Foundations work!

Check it out!


Im pretty proud of it overall, which is good, cuz that doesn't always happen. haha. But yea, VERY glad to have it up! So take a look!

Also, I will be posting the Stu poses all together, hopefully in a few minutes once I throw them all into a quicktime to scroll through. Im not sure if I need to include those in the final animations or not to turn in, but I will probably do it anyway just to have everything together to show.

Ok, back to work!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


So I just finished animating my "Personality Walk," where I chose to have the character skipping across the screen. This assignment required we incorporate a 3/4 view of the motions. I put three views in this, just so everyone can get a look at how he moves from all angles. Im REALLY happy with this so far. This is one of the few animations I've done this semester that I'm really pretty happy with. A few things I'd change on the next go around (cuz its due now), would be speeding up the "hang time" a little bit, I think its a bit slow, and maybe a little more overlap. We'll see what kind of comments I get on it after the weekend!

Take a look!

:-D probably by the end of today I will have my final "Portfolio" of this semester's work up as well. Can't wait! Semester's over on Wednesday (well, for me before I head out to Michigan for some holiday time), and then we start back up on January 5th. SO EXCITED!!!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Coming up to the end...of Semester 1!

So, my entire "portfolio" for Semester 1 at Animation Mentor is due in about a week and a half. So excited to be moving on to the next class!!!!!! I have some new work to post here, so lets get started!!

Alright, so I revised Ballie's "Vanilla Walk", and here it is!

I feel much better about it than the last one. I feel like there is still some improvement that could be made, like the knees are still popping, which I of course don't like, and a couple of other things, but I'm still figuring out how to achieve those improvements. Much happier with it than before though!

This past week we had to do our "Character Walk," and a lot of people chose to do the "sneaky walk", there are a lot of diagrams and reference for it, and I had done a sneaky walk in the past, so I decided to try my hand at a skipping "walk" if you could call it that.

This week was just the blocking stage, and I definitely have some modifications to make (rotation along some more of the axis to make his movement more dynamic and interesting...also more life-like, etc), but here is my first go at it at least:


So now this week is to revise the skipping walk, and add a 3/4 view to it, along with a new sketched Stu Pose. Looking forward to it. Im definitely enjoying really getting into this stuff to make it look smoother...its intimidating sometimes for me to get into the curves and mess around with things, theres just SO much to work on and so much to know, but I am feeling much more confident about it then I have in the past. Especially considering I didn't ever even USE the Graph Editor in 4 years of Animation at JMU! Wow...I don't know how I did that. Hahaha. Well, one thing is for sure, my animations are looking much better now than they did before. I love Animation Mentor :-D

Starting to look for some serious employment too because my internship at Henninger is coming to an end. Trying to see what opportunities I can come up with, and its nice that I've had some help from my coworkers there, and from my friends. :-) Hoping something will pan out for me, even if its another internship!

The search continues!

Now to get to those emails that I need to send get those jobs!