Anyway, on to the Animation part!! So, I have now been in Animation Mentor for about 7 weeks (not counting the 6 weeks over the summer when I did a Maya Springboard Class). My mentor is Chad Sellers, awesome AWESOME guy, and my class freakin rocks. Apparently we're some of the most talkative and energetic classes on the site right now, which I feel really greatful for. Everyone is always sending out messages, advice, video reference, and just random funny jokes or information. I am so surprised at how close everyone gets, especially in an online atmosphere. I have learned SO much more from my classmates and my mentor in that 7 weeks than I even came close to in 4 years of JMU Animation class. *But its cool, our professor there sucked anyway*, haha, and I KNOW all of my JMU classmates will agree.
Alright, well, Now I am going to post some of my work so everyone can get a taste of what I've been spending my free time on. :-D
Ok, so we started off posing this character called Stu. Here are some of the first things I came up with:
1. Any emotion or pose you want. This is the first idea I came up with and actually turned in. I like to include a Silhouette as well with the poses just to get a better idea of it :-)

2. This is the second one I came up with, it was more of an excited pose I guess.

3. This is one of my favorites, I thought it was kinda funny... Haha. Dude passed out asleep :-D I don't like the angle of it very much, I'd change the camera, but still, you get the idea.

Then we had to show some more specific ones like, Devastated and then specifically Excited. So, here are the ones I came up with for that!
1. Devastated

2. Excited

Alllrighty. SO, there are my final poses so far. I had a couple of others, ones I didn't turn in, but I will post them later. Now, I should actually get started on finishing up my Homework thats due tomorrow!
I'll probably post some more tonight I hope, try and get more of my work up for people to see :-).
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