Found this video on youtube, and it was FREAKIN perfect for what I was doing. Slow motion, breakdowns and everything, so thats been helping a lot. SO, I took that...and I did THIS!
Yea, I did a lot of them. 48 to be precise. Thought more was better than less I guess. The red leg is the right leg, so it was easier for me to follow...haha. Theres a lot of spinning, so I thought it might help to isolate one leg. Sorry the image is so small/blurry, I have a bunch of notes written there as I was sketching, but apparently they're going to be a little hard to read. Apologies! Either way, at least you can semi-see the sketches. So, that was my planning, not including all of the little notes I have on a few other pages of "things to remember" with this...lots of Arcs, in the feet, arms, head, etc. Its going to be a lot to map out and watch for, but I think its going to turn out least I hope so!!
So, now that all of this is up...take a look at the blocking I've gotten done so far today...the jump is "done," and Im working on the landing now. Leave comments if you pleeeeeasee!!